For as long as I can remember I have physically noted down every bit of career advice I have received. For today’s newsletter I rummaged through that document to a specific page - the page that summarises the advice I received in the last week of working at my previous company. That week I had 19 coffee catch-ups.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, a lot of getting ahead in life is about who you know rather than what you know and I took more life-lessons away in that one week than I did in the 5 years prior.
Some key coffee spills include:
View every person you meet as a door that may lead you to a new opportunity: Life has a funny way of going full circle and you never know who can add to your life (professionally or personally). Your job may be a for-now job, but the connections can be forever.
Women are generally seen to be more reluctant to take on challenging tasks and high visibility projects. We need to shift from the “I’m not ready to do that” thinking to the “I want to do that, and I will learn by doing it” attitude. Say yes to the things that scare you.
Every year go out and refresh your network. Speak to recruiters, check out new opportunities and conduct salary comparisons. It is easier to make strategic career decisions and know where you stand when you have real data to compare to the benefits of your current job.
At networking drinks hold your drink in your left hand so your right hand is free and won’t be wet and clammy when shaking someone’s hand.
Take the above as you please. I have another video on some more career tips if that’s your thing.
See you in two weeks, Nischa out Xx
My Favourite Things This Week:
📗 Book: Book recommendation? Oh, I’ll give you six - here is today’s upload!
📲Tech: I’m a sucker for the Apple ecosystem. Macbook, iPhone, Airpods, Apple watch - you name it, I have it. BUT, hats off to me for not getting sucked into buying the Apple all-in-one charger. Instead I opted for this cheaper alternative Saved me some dosh that I will now go and spend on an apple pencil…
🛍 Article: I’ve had my fair share of problems this week. Starting a Youtube channel isn’t all bliss I tell you that. But I’ll tell you what is bliss - this article on how problems themselves are not the issue; rather, it’s the expectations that we shouldn’t have them that is the greatest problem of all.
🎙Favourite post or podcast: This episode where founder of Morning Brew interviews Ex-Goldman Sachs MD. Listening to the stories she shared sent shivers down my spine. A friendly reminder that above all riches, prioritise and check-in on your core values.
Great article. Love the advice on saying yes to things that scare you. Similar to "never turn down a special assignment" advice that a colleague challenged me with years ago.
Thank you for the investment of yourself in this newsletter and your YT channel! First class content!
ITS never goodbye; ITS till next time.see ya then